Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 365 - Resolution complete!

Well, the day has come to finish my Project 365. New Years Eve. The girls and I were ready to go to our friends, Teresa and Ian's place for dinner. We put our party gear on, got our desserts ready to take and took the opportunity to take a few happy snaps.

It was a tough choice to pick my photo of the day today. Ian took a lovely family photo, Olivia took a pretty good photo of myself (amazingly), but I couldn't go past this photo of the girls and I. We don't get many of these because usually I am the photographer! Thanks to Shane for taking today's photo.

I am feeling a little nostalgic this week with the Project finishing today... but luckily the next Project is right around the corner! Only this time it will Project 366!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Day 364 - Very cool dancing fun

This afternoon after we took the Christmas tree down, Ava asked if we could listen to music. So we turned the iPod on and the girls happily danced around together in a circle. In between songs, they put their glasses on, strutted around singing along to whatever songs came on and dancing together.

I captured this photo of Olivia while she was dancing. I couldn't pass this photo up, it isn't often she poses happily and smiles!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 363 - Play time

The girls spent all afternoon in their room playing with their new My Little Pony collection together. Sometimes play time gets very confusing because I hear them call out 'Mummy' and I assume they are talking to me, so I answer them and they both giggle at me and say 'No Mummy, not you... Mummy Pony!' and then continue to happily play together. It's lovely to listen to their imaginary play.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 362 - Getting my bake on

I am finding myself looking for reasons to bake just to use the Kitchen Aid.

Today I thought I'd make a Jam and Coconut Slice - you can find the recipe here -  to use all the 'excess' coconut in our cupboard.  Shane and Dad are enjoying my baking without any complaints, not surprising really. I figure I have to try and make the most of it before going away for 2 weeks and going back to work not long after returning from our holiday.

I can see my bananas ripening, and I might just see myself making a banana cake shortly too.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day 361 - A relaxed gathering

Today was a very hard day to choose just one photo for.
We caught up with Jen, Jodi, Julie, Brett and Cohen. When choosing my photo I could have had one of the girls dressed up in their pirate costume, the kids playing on the trampoline, the family eating and playing but instead I ended up picking this photo of Cohen. I picked this photo because his body language represents everything our gatherings are - good food, interesting conversation and just generally relaxing together, which I think the gorgeous Cohen is doing a wonderful job of here.
Thanks Jen, Jodi, Julie, Brett and Cohen for a lovely afternoon and for giving me an excuse to use my Kitchen Aid for the first time.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Day 360 - Babies

Yesterday I mentioned how much the babies were a successful present for the girls. Today Ava asked me to wrap her baby up as she needed to go to sleep. I can see lots of fun is going to be had with these babies.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Day 359 - Merry Christmas!

Christmas Day arrived very quickly. The girls were amazed at all the presents that awaited them from Santa in the lounge room. Ava quickly ripped into her presents while Olivia tore one strip of paper at a time and delicately gave Shane her rubbish. The babies were a hit, this afternoon after their nap, the girls got up and fed their babies their bottle. I just loved this photo of Olivia, she just looks so sweet feeding her baby. It was a lovely day spent with family and friends.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Day 358 - Christmas Eve

This is what happens when you work with kids I say! One smiling, one looking away and the other with a mouthful of food! Christmas Eve became our day for catching up with Mel and Patrick before the rush of Christmas. The three of them played nicely together for a while, considering the only time lately they see each other is at school. We enjoyed a delicious lunch together before exchanging gifts and heading home to sleep ready for a big day tomorrow.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 357 - Urban Art Exhibition

Today I had lunch with Sue, Bev and Bev's mum in New Acton before looking at an Urban Art Exhibition in a Penthouse apartment. There were some interesting art works on display. My favourite was definitely the view, although I am not sure that was actually art work on display. The floor to ceiling windows were amazing, just gave such a beautiful view of Canberra. If someone else were to pay the mortgage, I would happily live there.
Thank you Sue for taking us to the exhibition and giving me a little look at such a beautiful apartment.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day 356 - Wrapping Time

Tonight was the official wrapping of all presents night ready for Christmas. I spread out all the girls presents from us and Santa and set about wrapping. I am all for keeping things even and encouraging sharing, so there are always presents for them to open together and share what it is inside. This year, we are sharing lots of puzzles and board games. I can't wait to see their faces on Christmas day when the presents miraculously appear under the tree.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 355 - Like Mother, Like Daughter

Today we attempted to finish all of our Christmas shopping. While we were at DFO we stopped in at Kate Hill, which most people know is one of my favourite shops. The girls have such wonderful taste, they picked up each bag on the shelf and tried them on. I even asked them for their opinion on which bag I should ask Santa for. Of course, they gave me good advice. I shouldn't be surprised I know.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 354 - Presents for those less fortunate

Today we purchased presents for the Bernados Wishing Tree at the Fun Factory. Together the girls and I purchased a present each and picked one for Shane to give to those who aren't as lucky as we are. Olivia helped me to package them up into the gift bags, ready for delivery to the fun factory tomorrow. I'll be doing my best to instill in them the need to continue this tradition while they are young, that when they are old enough to do it themselves, they keep the tradition alive.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 353 - Royal Watching

How nice of Princess Mary to take time out and glam herself up for me to grab one last photo of her in 2011. How lucky for me to go on a Staff Development day to the Art Gallery and lunch at the National Portrait Gallery which allowed me to capture a beautiful image of the portrait of Princess Mary which hangs at the Portrait Gallery. I just couldn't resist.
Thanks to Carlyn for the suggestion for my photo of the day.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day 352 - A family photo opportunity

We took the girls today to have their photo taken with Santa. Of course they are still a little (or a lot in Olivia's case) apprehensive about the Jolly Fat Man. So it becomes a family photo with Santa. Even with the reindeer antlers on we couldn't get Olivia to smile. A few years and it might be a different story... maybe.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day 351 - Christmas Party 4

Tonight was the Queanbeyan West Christmas Party. We went to La Scala in the city for a delicious banquet. I had realised at the end of the night, I hadn't taken a photo for today, luckily I could get Belinda to take a quick photo of Shane and I enjoying our time out together.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 350 - Christmas Party 3

Tonight we had The Australian War Memorial Christmas Party in ANZAC Hall at the War Memorial. I was really looking forward to tonight, I even frocked up for the occasion. Everyone says that functions in ANZAC Hall are amazingly beautiful and boy were they right. Hanging out with the airplanes like an Avro Lancaster B1, which is more commonly known as G for George, pictured in my photo for today, eating delicious canapes like crab cakes, drinking (well if you weren't the designated driver it would have been good I am sure!) and chatting with lovely people was a lovely way to spend a Friday night.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 349 - Christmas Party 2

Tonight was the Christmas Party for the GetMyBodyBack crew. It was a little odd to be eating delicious Crust pizza and desserts in the same place where I work out. Thank goodness we worked out at boxing for the hour before the Christmas party!
Thanks lovely ladies and Andrew for keeping me motivated and inspired to workout so often and so hard! I am looking forward to 2012 workouts already.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 348 - Christmas Attire

I bought the girls a couple of dresses to wear on Christmas Day today. It was the first time I tried clothes on the girls in the shop. However, each time I tried something on the girls they wanted to keep it on and wear it home or they didn't want to try it on. I heard the catch phrase 'I don't wear this' a little too often at the shops today. I may end up a poor old lady with these fashionista's I am apparently bringing up.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 347 - Cheese mum

I found a couple of cheap camera's for the girls to play with today. All they wanted when they got up from their lunchtime nap was their cameras. Ava sat in the couch opposite to me and kept asking me to say cheese. I wonder whether this is her way of telling me I take to many photos...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 346 - Christmas Concert

This afternoon the girls had their daycare Christmas concert. They sat on the step and sang us songs. It was very cute to watch and I was glad that the sun came out in time for them to sing along. Ava of course sang all songs and did all the actions while Olivia did some of the actions, which was more than what I thought she would do. The three amigos: Olivia, Ava and Patrick sat together in front of Jenny and Lara who led the kids in their songs. Thank you Jenny and Lara for the effort you put in everyday with our children.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 345 - It's raining...

We have been having some thunderstorms in the evening lately and today was just one wet day of many so far this Summer. The rain came very quickly and it hit us with a very hard down pour. I love listening to the rain on the roof. I love watching it fall from the dry verandah at the back of the house. Hopefully, as good as the rain is for our garden, the rain will ease soon.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day 344 - Happy Birthday Ella!

Today we went to the park to celebrate Ella's 5th birthday. The party guests were entertained by Princess Melodia who came along with all things fairy like and games for them to play. The girls had a lovely day celebrating Ella's birthday with their friends. It was a pity we also missed Oliver's 3rd birthday whose party was on at the same time. Happy birthday Oliver and Ella!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Day 343 - Mini Fete!

It was Mini Fete day at school today. There were lots of different activities for kids to do. I caught a photo of my neice Isabel having a turn at the Spaghetti shape finding game. The messier the activity the more fun they seemed to have. The activities ranged from apple bobbing, water bombing, sock wrestling and many more. I think by the smiles on the children's faces, I think it was a success.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 342 - Keeping ourselves occupied

While waiting for the Ear Nose and Throat specialist today, who ran over an hour late, the girls discovered the books, lego and 2 chairs to keep themselves entertained thank goodness. They happily sat next to one another and read books and played with the lego. On the plus the ENT specialist said that we don't have to have any intervention, other than a repeat appointment next Winter.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 341 - Visiting Patrick

This afternoon I went to visit Patrick who has been put into hospital. It was very sad to watch the little man in pain. Mel and Simon you are doing an amazing job at staying calm for Patrick. Hope you are on the mend soon little man!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 340 - Hanging delicately

Walking up the hill from looking at our daycare photos this afternoon Ava stopped to smell the flowers and discovered this snail hanging delicately on the end of a stem. A wind gust finally blew the snail off the edge and the girls happily watched him slide away to hide away from the prying eyes of Olivia and Ava.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 339 - One can never have enough...

One can never have enough potatoes. Or at least that is what I keep telling myself. When I ordered my fruit and vegetables online last week I accidentally ordered 6kg of potatoes instead of 6 potatoes. I can see that we are going to have a diet of potatoes this week just to try and get through them!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day 338 - O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

We put up our Christmas tree today with a lot of apprehensive feelings about the little hands attacking our beautifully decorated tree. This was the first year the girls really got to help put the decorations on. The did a pretty good job I think most of them are spaced very well. Hopefully they'll think of all the hard work they put in to decorating the tree that they wont then play with it.... I am wishful thinking I know!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 337 - Christmas Party 1

Tonight we kicked off the official Christmas Parties with Shane's section Christmas Party. We went to the Kingston Hotel for dinner, which the company was definitely better than the food, however, after waiting for over an hour for our food and having partially cooked calamari, we went into the pool rooms and played a little pool. It was an earlier night than I think some had planned, but certainly a lovely way to start off the Christmas party season.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 336 - Movie night

I went to the movies with Monique tonight to see Breaking Dawn Part 1. Having heard a few mixed reviews, I enjoyed it myself. There were a few parts that I think could have been left out, but I did enjoy both the movie and the company. Thanks for a lovely date night Mon!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 335 - Wiggles Cards

We have been playing memory with Wiggles cards. They are bright. bold and big.  I have started to give the girls their own set of cards to play with. They love it. They start off taking turns nicely, until the last couple of pairs. Ava starts to think that every turn is hers or they will turn over 1 card and tell me that they are going to put it on their pile. They obviously enjoy it because they have asked for Wiggles cards every day this week.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 334 - Rollerblading Santa

I have begun my own little tradition of buying at least 1 new Christmas decoration each year. This year it was one I thought was rather cute. A rollerblading Santa, including the knee high rainbow socks. Now this is a cool Santa Claus!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 333 - Storms

We had a few wild storms here tonight. Now usually out of pure luck, the girls have slept through all the really good storms we have had. This afternoon it was the first time they have heard such loud thunder or even seen hail.

Poor Olivia was very scared, as was Ava as the night went on. I am hoping for a peaceful night sleep after the thunderstorms we have had.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 332 - A place to rest her head.

This is where we found Ava an hour after putting her to bed. You would have thought after not having a lunchtime nap that she would have flaked in her bed. Apparently not. Our company was obviously what she wanted, so she opened the door and lay down quietly and fell asleep in front of their bedroom door.

I was wondering how long it would take for one of them to fall asleep on the floor.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 331 - A blurry view from below

Today we had a catch up with Jodi, Jen, Julie and of course Cohen. It was a lovely day to catch up with lots of chit chat and plenty of food. It felt like forever since we had last caught up, and before they left for home today we begun to make plans for our catch up next month - which of course will be around the time the Jolly Fat Man in the Red Suit arrives.
As I was walking them out to their car this afternoon, Olivia followed us with my camera, which I thought was turned off! Apparently this is the view she saw walking out the front with Jodi and Jen. It is rather blurry, but what a clever chicken taking my photo of the day today!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Day 330 - Wake Up Jeff!

We went along to see The Wiggles 20th Birthday Show in the Big Top this afternoon with Teresa, Ian, Ella, Brydie and Kaleigh. The girls were enthralled with all the singing and dancing. Olivia didn't really move much from Shane's lap, Ava did a little bit of dancing, but it was Kaleigh and Ella who seemed to really get into the dancing. They seemed to have a great time.

The Wiggles were great, they had a lot of energy and really captivated my girls. Even though Olivia and Ava didn't know many songs, Ava tried to sing along to a few of the songs. I quite liked it when she bowed when The Wiggles did. What a performer she is going to become one day.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 329 - It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

We have a wreath for our front door! I have been purchasing a few different things in preparation for Christmas. I can't wait to put all of our decorations up with the girls. I think they are going to have a lot of fun this Christmas.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 328 - A perfect lunch date.

Today, on a rare day the girls have care and I don't work, I caught up with Mel for a much needed catch up and lunch date. It was nice to sit and talk over lunch rather than trying to talk over our usual boxing and focus pads in our boxing classes.
We met at Brew Bar in Tuggeranong and ate quiche and salad, which was quite delicious. I am hoping that we have some more of these childfree dates before the end of the year.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 327 - Olivia

Quite often I forget to turn the monitor back off after their lunchtime nap and I then hear random ramblings from the girls, from some singing to laughing hysterically. Today I heard Olivia talking about lots of mud and dirt. It got me a little curious about where this mud was coming from. I went in only to find her playing with her Little People Farm Set, with a muddy pig.
It is very cute hearing them in their imaginary play. It is certainly a better sound than the girls fighting!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 326 - A brush with Danish Royalty

Today has been marked on my calendar for nearly a week as a potential 'Royal Spotting Day' with Princess Mary and Prince Frederik in town. Shane told me last week that they would be making a brief appearance at the War Memorial this afternoon - he even told me the exact time, it is great to have an insider with information!

The girls had been very excited about seeing a princess. Every time I mentioned the word princess, Olivia would call out Tinkerbell. I was waiting for her to call Princess Mary Tinkerbell this afternoon (but alas she didn't!)

So when the rain came this afternoon, it was not going to put a dampener on my day of royal spotting. I bundled the girls in the car with some flowers to hopefully give to her and stood in the soggy grass at The Australian War Memorial for 20 minutes before she arrived. I stood there with Shane who was the designated child carrier while I took the happy snaps along with a few other dedicated spotters. We thought that with the rain she wouldn't come around and meet and greet the crowd, but another 20 minutes later, we were happily proved wrong. She and Prince Frederik came around and greeted the crowd. When it was our turn to meet them we gave them the flowers from our girls and we had a brief chit chat. She is just gorgeous.

Nothing like a Royal encounter to leave you all warm and fuzzy.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 325 - Sleeping Beauties

The big girl bed transition has not been as bad as I thought. I even got to have a little sleep with Ava in her bed this afternoon. We chose good beds, they are really comfortable.

Here is Ava rather comfortable in her bed. I do love sleeping photos!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 324 - The next big step

The girls have been taking many big steps in growing up this week. Today was just another big step... the big girl bed. We have been talking about doing it sooner rather than later and so this weekend seemed like the perfect time.

So we put the beds together this morning after swimming lessons and tucked them into their beds at lunchtime. Only one ended up sleeping, you'll never guess who.... but so far tonight, I think they are both big girls asleep in their beds. I wonder how long it will take before they end up in bed together.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 323 - Happy early birthday Tony!

We went out tonight to celebrate poor Tony turning 30. I had a lovely token evening listening to very eclectic tastes in music. I was a little surprised that a group of 7 guys actually ventured into the 80's nightclub, but certainly made for a very interesting evening. Next time, we'll have to dress up. Hope you had a wonderful night Tony. Oh and life is so much better once you turn 30!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 322 - A little cheat

You may see today's post and think all my Kitchen Aid dreams had come true... well no, not yet. I did have plans to blog about starting Christmas activities at school too early, until this wonderful picture appeared on my Facebook. I love everything Kitchen Aid, and I have been a very good girl, even put my wishlist into Santa already! So Day 322 brings us my dream: A beautiful hot pink Kitchen Aid. Love.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 321 - What a Wonderful Husband!

With President Barack Obama in town today, Shane was told to have the morning off work and to come in at 10:30am. I was hoping to catch a glimse of President Obama at one point to have him appear on my blog, but of course with such high security I had no hope. 

So while working today Shane saw the convoy of cars pulling into Campbell High School and captured the President arriving and departing for his visit with the school. 

What a wonderful husband I have as my guest photographer today, thinking that i'd like these photos for my blog. Thanks Shane!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 320 - Ramping it Up

I have become a little bit of a exercise machine of late fitting in at least one workout a day if not 2 on most days. I am enjoying it, somedays a little more than others. Tonight I took another step in the fitter, healthier me direction. It was my first personal training session. It was a great workout, the one on one makes you work that little bit harder. Charlie my personal trainer, is very motivating and positive. I love it. Even if I feel very uncoordinated (which is usually every day!) she tells me that I am doing it right, so maybe it is just a mindset I need to snap out of. It has been a few months now and really I know I have come a long way already, but definitely have a long way to go still. Who'd have thought I'd run somewhere!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 319 - Mango

I just love Mango season. I hope the girls follow my love of mangoes. They are so deliciously sweet. I can't wait to eat more of them throughout the Summer.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 318 - Growing Up

It is amazing the day you look at your babies and realise that they just aren't babies anymore. Now I have had this moment many times, however today they have just grown up that little bit more. They took themselves to bed early and for once did not cry when they got their haircut. I was so, so happy with the not crying at the hairdresser. My babies are growing up.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 317 - Take 2!

We decided to try to celebrate the 11/11/11 again this afternoon with a BBQ with the family. It was a lovely afternoon. The girls were still a little under the weather, but on the mend and definitely enjoyed being out of the house for a few hours. Thanks to everyone who was able to come this afternoon, we had a lovely time and really should try to do it more often.