Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 90 - The moving starts

While the girls were at daycare today, we thought it was a good plan for me to move some little bits and pieces to our new place in my car. I think together with my dad we did 5 trips in our car including clothes, pillows, knick knacks and anything else that would fit in my car (or that I didn't want broken!)

So it was the beginning of goodbye to Carrington Street, so many memories and good times. Now it is time to move on to bigger and better things... well here's hoping.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 89 - Sick Babies

A vapouriser is one of the first things I tell anyone who is expecting or just had a baby to buy. Olivia is sick with Croup. She just can't get a break the poor little possum.

I think I may just have the vapouriser on every night from now until the end of Winter as well as the heater. The Dr always tells us to keep their room warm and put the vapouriser on, well if I keep it on all the time, then surely we won't have to visit the Dr as often?

I am just hoping for a good nights sleep sometime soon. Please.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 88 - It is interesting what you find

Since the girls have been learning to or at least trying to dress themselves, when they wake up from their lunchtime nap, you never know what you will find.

Today I found pants off both girls and singlet undone on Olivia. I hope that I do not find them completely naked in their bed. Don't they know Winter is cold here?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 87 - So much to play with

The tupperware cupboard has become one of Olivia's favourite play areas. While I am cooking dinner a little play in our currently quite bare tupperware cupboard keeps Olivia amused.

The sifter is her favourite object to play with from the cupboard. I don't think she has quite mastered how to use it, but it gets a good workout.

I hope this is a sign of a Junior Masterchef! If not, I'll certainly try and teach her a few skills to use in the kitchen.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 86 - Newest Additions

We had a relatively relaxing Sunday. The way Sunday really should be.

We fed Belinda and Dale's pets, did a spot of shopping and purchased some Easter Eggs in Tuggeranong, visited my parents to stash the eggs, and finished with Dinner at Jenny's place.

While shopping, Mickey Mouse became our newest addition to our soft toy family. I am rather selective with the soft toy purchasing. I mostly think they are a waste of space but today when I picked Mickey up in Kmart the girls got so very excited. Ava so much so that she held on to him while she ate lunch and slept in the pram.

Welcome Mickey. Sorry Jemima and Miffy, you have been brushed for about a week or two.

On a side note: Thanks Morgana for the chicken bake! You are great!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 85 - Election Day

Today saw us return to the polls to vote in our State election in NSW.

I decided a couple of weeks ago to try my hand at working at a polling place on Election day. The day didn't start off too well, with me setting my alarm wrong and waking at 6:50am instead of 6:00am. Luckily, I had packed my lunch the night before, had my clothes ready for the day and cut some bread ready for toasting in the morning all the night before knowing I had to be at the polling place by 7:15am.

I made it to the polling place by 7:20am. Pretty good effort I think! Lucky it was only a couple of minutes drive down the road. I learnt the lesson very quickly. Arrive late - miss out on important information and get a less than desirable job of ballot box guard to start the day. However after an hour or so, I got to go and be a Declaration Vote Officer and issued way too many absentee votes! But the busier the day, the quicker it goes.

After my mum telling me I wouldn't be home until after midnight, I was pleasantly pleased to be home at the reasonable hour of 9:45pm. All votes counted, sorted and packed for delivery the next day.

I enjoyed myself today, met some lovely and some not so lovely people. I will definitely be doing it all over again at the next election.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 84 - Assembly

Today could have been the day for so many different photos. Olivia falling asleep in the car, the girls playing together with their little friends this morning, Ava burning herself on my car exhaust or Ava and Sue at assembly.

But after such an eventful day, the standout part was Andrew getting his first award at school. He was so excited to see Jenny the girls and myself sitting at assembly. Jenny couldn't have been prouder. We really must remember to make him clean his face before photos!

It was definitely worth making the girls miss their daytime sleep to be at assembly today.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 83 - Aunty Afternoon

This afternoon I was on Aunty duty. I have not gotten to do much Aunty duty with these boys over the last couple of years as my family all lived in Brisbane. However, now they are local it is nice to take them out for a little treat time together.

The girls were still at daycare, so after I finished work I picked the boys up from school and we went and had a hot chocolate and a donut together. We sat and played eye spy together. Pity everything Andrew spied with his eye were people who I didn't know nor could I see.

Thanks boys for keeping me entertained for the afternoon.

On a side note: Happy birthday Myrrha! Hope you have a great day.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 82 - Happy Birthday Mum

For the first time in over 3 years, my entire family sat down together to celebrate our Mum's birthday. It is what happens when we all live in different states and now that some of us live in the same state, my brother lives 4 days drive or a 7 hour plane ride away.

It was great to all sit down together and have dinner and celebrate all the wonderful things our Mum has done for us.

Tonight was also the night we all had to say goodbye to Mick and Katie as they leave for home tomorrow. It was a little heartbreaking to see Austin so upset - at the same time I was glad for once it wasn't me making him that upset! A little sad that after a week the girls finally were happy to have cuddles with Mick and Katie on their final days here.

Hopefully it won't be that long between drinks again.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 81 - Haircut day

I took the girls to Vanessa's place to get a haircut today. Olivia, the usual fidget gidget, sat through it like a little trouper, well mostly. Ava, usually the happiest girl on earth, as seen above, was not so happy. Instead she was rather tired and hated the entire thing. Well she liked the Easter Eggs that Vanessa gave her. I am sure she likes being able to see again too.

A little kip at home, certainly increased her happiness and brought back the contagious smile of hers.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 80 - Around the world in 80 Days

It has been 80 days since I have embarked on my Photo 365 journey. Today I felt like I could have slept for 80 days.

The girls bedtime is a ritual time for me. Shower, story, sleep. All by 7.00pm. It has always been a routine I try not to get out of. However with special visitors in town, lots of family things on we have got out of the habit of following the little bedtime ritual, and certainly it has become later and later this week.

It took Olivia a little while to fall asleep tonight, which comes from her being so overtired. I was very appreciative to walk in and find her flaked as I went to bed.

I hope we don't get a repeat performance tomorrow night.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 79 - Congratulations Mick & Katie!

I never thought I'd see the day my brother would settle down and get married.

Today we got together to congratulate Mick and Katie on their marriage. I think it has been 3 years since I have seen Mick. Sadly I guess that is what happens when you fall pregnant and have kids and he lives in Darwin. Certainly a little too far for a quick trip up the highway!

It was great to have all the family together again, albeit for a short time.

Hopefully it won't be so long between drinks Mick and Katie.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 78 - Fun day

Today was the day that the local multiple birth association, CARMBA, held their annual fun day in the park. We have never taken the girls in previous years, more because we never really knew what was there, so always thought they were too young.

Well it was certainly a fun day, with jumping castles, face painting, reptiles, pony rides and an Easter egg hunt! The girls loved the jumping castle and the Easter eggs! Olivia was not so keen on the face painting. They even scored a couple of balloon flowers, if only the grass didn't pop them.

It was good to catch up with friends both new and old.

I was definitely grateful that we had planned dinner at mums that night. We certainly were not in the mood for cooking after such a big afternoon of fun.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 77 - Multiple Birth Awareness Week

It is Multiple Birth Awareness week this week.

A week to celebrate all things multiple and being multiples.  It is an amazing journey having twins.

The local Multiple Birth Association CARMBA, host many different events in this week.
Today was a playdate in Queanbeyan with some lovely other multiple mums and their gorgeous kids.

I know this isn't the best photo of Ava, but it is a typical Ava moment, putting her whole sandwich (or in this case vegemite scroll) in her mouth and Olivia is giving her sister nice "cuggles" for once. I have to capture that moment as it doesn't happen as often. But I do look forward to watching my girls grow up into wonderful friends and hopefully capture many more "cuggles".

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 76 - Routines and Addictions

Every night we have a routine of a cup of tea and a biscuit at around 8.30pm. It has become so routine that a night doesn't feel complete without it.

I have to thank Belinda for one of our addictions. She brought over once a TV Mix of chocolate from Aldi, Olivia proved to us she liked them, so we tend to pick them up on our shopping trips. They are so addictive that you sit there and eat what you think are a couple then all of a sudden, half a packet has gone!

Our only complaint is that we'd like more chocolate covered almonds, there never seems to be enough! Personally I think Shane eats them all.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 75 - Are forks really necessary.

Once upon a time, I never realised how good a bolognaise sauce was for finger painting. Nor did I realise that one's face was a good canvas for art work.

Ava has taught me many lessons. These are just a few. I can't wait to see what lessons she has instore for me next.

You would think by looking at all the photos I have of the girls eating that we don't give them forks. Quite often they have a fork in the opposite hand to the one they are feeding themselves with. I try my hardest to teach them to use the fork, and they can do it, obviously they just love to use their hands.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 74 - Three in the Bed

When one of the girls are sick it is quite a difficult time in our house, especially at night. Either they cough so much that they wake the other up or we bring them into our bed.

It is a lose-lose situation really. Either we are up and down all night to her or we sleep on the edge of the bed and they have the rest.

This photo was at 11.30pm and she was wide awake. Pity we weren't. One of many sleepless nights to come I am sure.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 73 - Jemima

The last week or so Ava has begun to become very protective of things she deems as hers.

Jemima and a tea towel have become some of her prized possessions. She lays Jemima down on any flat surface and covers her up with a makeshift blanket. So cute.

I wonder wherever does she learn some of these beautiful motherly behaviours from.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 72 - Lemonade cures all

After being up most of the night sick, I am sure you can understand why my photo today is of lemonade. I didn't surface to face the world until mid afternoon once I had caught up on some of that missed sleep last night and attempting to make myself feel better.

Lemonade is my favourite thing when I am sick. It always seems to help, well I think it does.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 71 - Happy Birthday Madison

We went to Madison's birthday party this afternoon.

There was lots of party food to be consumed, drinks to be drunk and laughs to be had. Birthdays are always such a great way to catch up with family. Barbie seemed to be the flavour of the day for birthday presents. Here she is opening our Life Guard Barbie! She can even dive underwater. That was the selling point for me to buy it.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 70 - The unsuccessful Dolly Varden

About a year ago my sister asked me to make Madison a Dolly Varden cake for her birthday this year. Well I did try, however this was the end result. And the end result of a second attempt.

Very disappointing, I had the Princess Shazza cake open from My Women's Weekly Party Cakes book ready to decorate with marshmallows and ribbons. Plenty of time between now and the girls birthday to practice and get some tips from those who have done it before.

Hope it works next time, or I may just get very disheartened.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 69 - Cupcake-a-thon

Jenny and I iced 36 cupcakes for Madison's 4th birthday tomorrow.

Personally I think they look great, the girls said they tasted great too! (and by said I mean they ate it all!) I am not usually a great cupcake maker, but a little more practice and I am sure I will be an expert.

I can't believe that Madison is already 4. It just goes to show how fast time flies. Sometimes I wish I could just stop time. Now would be a great time to stop.

Happy Birthday for tomorrow Madie.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 68 - See-Saw

The girls and I went over for a little visit to Nanny and Poppy's house today. While we were there they had a little sleep and had a great time playing outside.

They jumped on their bikes (which is why their helmets are on) and thoroughly enjoyed the see-saw.  Olivia showed just how much she loves a bit of adrenaline rushing through her veins by nearly bouncing her sister off a few times. I was a little worried at times, however the fits of giggles Ava was in eased my sensible motherly instinct.

It got me thinking with just under 3 months until their second birthday about what I should buy them. Maybe a swing set should be on the list, one with a see-saw of course.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 67 - Incy Wincy Spider

This hairy legged creature has made a wonderful web out the front of our house. He has been there for the last couple of days.

Spiders are obviously known for their 8 legs, however this one only has 6. I do wonder what happened to the other 2 legs spiders normally have. It might make me feel a little sorry for him if they were lost in a battle of some sorts. That feeling wont last very long though.

I am hoping he finds a new house soon. Really Soon!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 66 - End of an Obsession

I have had a cookbook obsession for a very long time. A way I used to feed this habit (Well I still feed it) is by buying food magazines with my grocery shopping.

Today, I've made the executive decision to part with all the magazines I have collected over a very long time. This is probably only a quarter of the magazines I have. But with a downsize on the cards in the next month, I need to become a little more ruthless to save space, or at least to allow more room for the new magazines to hit my bookshelf!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 65 - Funny Photo

We had a very boring weekend planned. However since Ava has entered our lives, the word boring rarely gets to enter my vocabulary!

This is one of many funny faces she pulls. She will pull this face on many occasions. When you pull out the camera for a photo, when you simply call her name or if she is being the cheekiest monkey around!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 64 - Figs

My sister has 3 amazingly huge fig trees in her backyard. They aren't the biggest fans of them, so lucky for us, in particular Shane, we get to pick them and eat as many as we likes without paying top dollar in the fruit market.

Today we got to pick some. It was a little sad to see how many the birds had got a hold of, but we got a nice little bowl full. I wonder how long they'll last!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 63 - Student of the Term!

Student of the Term... Austin

Today was one of my busiest days ever! We had to squeeze in a morning tea at Teresa's, a nap (albeit a very quick one today for I woke them up!), and a trip to see my nephew Austin get his Student of the Term award at school.

It doesn't really surprise me that he was Student of the Term for his class after hearing how his eagerness to please extended greatly into the classroom.

What really surprise me was waking the girls up after an hour sleep and they were so quiet during the assembly. I think all the food I packed to keep them quiet, nanny and Ava's personal favourit, Sue were all on hand to give them cuddles. I am pretty sure Ava would have stayed with Sue all afternoon if she could have.

Well done Austin!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 62 - Watermelon

Ava showing us how to eat watermelon properly...
Shoving it all in!

Daycare day. Usually I am dreading the terrible sobbing drop offs. Today, it was a bright kiss, cuddle and 'bye mum!' What an excellent start to the day!

On the way home we sang along with a Justine Clarke CD. Their favourite song 'Watermelon' came on. They love it and so do I, it is so catchy that every time they eat watermelon, I find myself singing it to them:

"Great big bite, Catch all the drips, Spit out the pips, lick your lips"

They have begun to do the actions, which is great, a little distracting while driving, but so cute you can't not look! Pity they have taken that "great big bite" to mean... shove it all in!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 61 - A Random Act of kindness

While walking down to the shops with my mum, we walked past a lady getting into a car who stopped us and asked us if we'd like some bread. We were obviously looking a little puzzled as to why she was offering us bread out of the back of the car (I guess there are worse things she could have offered from out of her car!)

She went on to tell us that someone gave her all these loaves and she couldn't eat them all and wondered if we wanted some. So mum took a couple of loaves to put in her freezer.

So thank you kind lady with the very unique dress sense. What a lovely random act of kindness to end our day.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 60 - A Happy Face

A Smile like this from Olivia and you know she is having a great time.

Today her cousin Madison (or Madsie as she is more commonly known) was on the receiving end of this  brilliant smile. Olivia loves her. No matter how much she gets in her face, how often Olivia pushes her away all Olivia can say sometimes is Madsie. They ran around my living room this morning in fits of laughter.

Ahh to be so young and carefree.